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Babel community beta version now online!

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inside cafébabel

After several months of programming and graphic design, we are proud to present you the beta version of the babel community. Babelians now have their very own online community - the only place on the web where Europeans can exchange, debate and express themselves in their mother tongue. After some days of testing this beta-version will be launched the 7th June.

Take a tour right now on this provisional web adress of the community! So what’s new?

Now with, you can:

create your own babel profile: tell us who you are, how many languages you speak, what you like… and get in touch with other babelians! launch your babelblog: do you speak European? Enjoy our unique multilingual blog platform and give your ideas a voice! For this please email [email protected] with your idea of blog

Next step! Soon to come, we will launch a new multilingual forum platform. Register right now, and keep updated by checking internal blog called ‘coffee factory’. And give us your feedback by posting a comment on ‘coffee factory’!