Asexual Revelation
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Zero libido. When faced with the porn flood or the dictatorship of the Big O., some have chosen to comfort themselves with scarcity under the comforter. Even if You Porn and other preachers of indecency want us to believe that things are different, lust can sometimes go on strike. Is it that people can’t rise to the occasion? Or simply that they won’t?
According to a June 2004 Ipsos survey, 25% of the women who were polled, and 15% of the men claimed they lived in chastity. And whether the situation was chosen or not, a third of the polled didn’t seem to be complaining about it.
The phenomenon does exist, it is commented upon by the press, and analysed minutely by shrinks. The traumatized children of sex-crazed parents who had adopted a “come whatever the cost” philosophy, more and more thirty-somethings would not be philanderers. Clearly, they don’t want to want.
This trend, which totally goes against our so-called “liberated” societies, is called the "Asexual Revolution" by the French journalist Jean-François de Tonnac. “No Sex Last Year”, a book released in 2006 on a somehow virgin French market, is also interested in the “normal” daily life of an almost vestal couple. The Italian supplement to La Repubblica, “D”, smelling big business, has recently given a full cover to these “no-sex” enthusiasts.
Indeed, light-years away from the urban maniac, Internet seems to be teeming with emissaries of purity.The jewel of the moral zealots of fornication, the virtual asexuality.org which presents itself like a “network for helping each other and for improving asexual visibility”, offers on its French version forums with instructive posts, such as “can you succeed in life when you are asexual?” and “to you who used to love sex…”
At the end of the day, this caste of “non-libidoists”, or so the Dutch nickname them, is nothing more than a bunch of loyal followers if the“A-Pride Attitude”, a movement advocated across the Atlantic by the tendron in his prime, David Jay. His motto: “Asexuality is not just for amoebae”, let’s proudly defend the identity of the anti-sleaze sly. After Penis Superstar has come the time of coital retreat. Down with the libertines and other lascivious creatures, and let’s have the self-assured maidens, the willing virgins and the saints of erotism. With just a touch of sat(i)yre.