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Image for APPLY FOR EUROMED REPORTAGE IN Casablanca : 15 - 20 April!

APPLY FOR EUROMED REPORTAGE IN Casablanca : 15 - 20 April!

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inside cafébabel

The Arab Spring began exactly three years ago with the Tunisian Revolution. There has been tremendous change and upheaval in the Arab world since then. But three years on, what is the reality on the ground? Cafébabel is sending teams of journalists to report on the state of civil society in Tunisia and Morocco. Would you like to join us?


'cafeba­bel.​com' is a cit­i­zen media site which aims to em­power Eu­ro­pean cit­i­zens. Young jour­nal­ists - both am­a­teur and pro­fes­sional - have the op­por­tu­nity to gain gen­uine jour­nal­is­tic ex­pe­ri­ence re­port­ing 'on the ground'.

With the Eu­romed pro­ject,  we want to cre­ate a bridge be­tween gen­er­a­tions of young Tunisians, Mo­roc­cans and Eu­ro­peans. Tra­di­tional media often trans­mit noth­ing but stereo­types. But what is the re­al­ity on the ground after the Arab Spring?  How do young­sters of these Ara­bic coun­tries re­ally live? How dif­fer­ent are they from us?

In 2014 Cafébabel is giv­ing a young group of re­porters the op­por­tu­nity to in­ves­ti­gate the na­ture of civil so­ci­ety in Tunisia and Mo­rocco.


The abil­ity to deal with civil so­ci­ety start­ing from the small sto­ries, at­ten­tion to de­tails, the abil­ity to get in touch with lo­cals, to be orig­i­nal and to break free from clichés.

In other words: the abil­ity to pro­duce an eye open­ing re­portage for a Eu­ro­pean au­di­ence.

All this in no more than 6000 char­ac­ters

We want you to pitch 2 top­ics that match 2 of the 4 main sec­tions of our web­magazine: Cul­ture, Lifestyle, So­ci­ety or Pol­i­tics. Each pitch should be no more than 1000 char­ac­ters, or 2000 char­ac­ters to­gether. Please at­tach a CV.

Deadline Tuesday 25 March 11.59 pm


We will pub­lish 8 fea­ture re­ports and 2 photo re­ports, drawn from 2 cities, Tunisi and Casablanca. We will bring to­gether 4 young Eu­ro­pean jour­nal­ists and 1 photographer of dif­fer­ent na­tion­al­i­ties for 5 days. A team of local col­lab­o­ra­tors will wel­come the team and help the jour­nal­ists to de­velop their ar­ti­cles and find their feet in the cities. Ap­pli­ca­tions for the sec­ond leg of the pro­ject are now open.

Join us in Casablanca 15 – 20 April!


Ap­pli­cants have to be under 35. Only res­i­dents of coun­tries el­i­gi­ble for the pro­gramme will get their travel ex­penses re­im­bursed. It is not a mat­ter of na­tion­al­ity but res­i­dence: par­tic­i­pants can only come from and travel from a coun­try that has cho­sen to par­tic­i­pate in this Eu­ro­pean pro­gramme. The coun­tries par­tic­i­pat­ing in the pro­gramme are: the 28 mem­ber states of the Eu­ro­pean Union

Na­tion­als from the fol­low­ing coun­tries do not need a visa. They just need to be in pos­ses­sion of a valid pass­port.

Aus­tria, Bel­gium, Bul­garia, Croa­tia, Den­mark, Fin­land, France, Ger­many, Greece, Hun­gary, Ice­land, Ire­land, Italy, Lux­em­bourg, Malta, Mo­rocco, Nor­way, Nether­lands, Por­tu­gal, Ro­ma­nia, United King­dom of Great Britain and North­ern Ire­land (for na­tion­als hold­ing or­di­nary pass­ports), Slove­nia, Spain, Swe­den, Switzer­land, Turkey.

Na­tion­als from Poland, the Czech Re­pub­lic, Slo­va­kia, Latvia, Lithua­nia and Cyprus need a visa.

Ac­com­mo­da­tion is or­gan­ised and paid for by Cafébabel.

Travel costs are re­im­bursed up to 440 €

Liv­ing and local trans­port costs are re­im­bursed (re­ceipts re­quired) up to 150 € for the du­ra­tion of the trip.

Pub­lish­ing your ar­ti­cle

Once you get back home, you have one week to send us your ar­ti­cles. Then our ed­i­tors will edit the ar­ti­cles and they will be trans­lated into all six of­fi­cial lan­guages of the mag­a­zine on cafeba­bel.​com, thanks to our won­der­ful, hard­work­ing teams of vol­un­teer trans­la­tors. All texts need to be a max­i­mum of 6,000 char­ac­ters which in­cludes spaces, whilst the photo gal­leries should con­tain be­tween 12 and 20 im­ages.

Only se­ri­ous can­di­dates in­ter­ested in writ­ing and pro­duc­ing an orig­i­nal, fresh and well-re­searched ar­ti­cle for cafeba­bel.​com need apply with your ideas and thoughts.

Send your CV and your two pitches to the fol­low­ing ad­dress:


We look for­ward to hear­ing from you!

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