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Appeal of the Ossetians to the Governments and peoples of the world

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Story by

Helga Nukk

A glance at Estonia

My blog is dedicated to Estonia and not to Georgia but the war is always injust. It seems that the mass-media are giving the false and distorted information about the war in Georgia - the Russians are accused and the Georgians are seen only like victims. I have found some interesting information on Internet, useful to uderstand better the real situation.

APPEAL OF THE OSSETIANS TO THE GOVERNMENTS AND PEOPLES OF THE WORLD  ()   Our people have been systematically exterminated for the past 19 years by the fascist Georgian regime, and their inhuman atrocities have been neglected by the world for the sake of geopolitical interest of the United States.The conflict is being resolved in compliance with international law. However, skillfully applying falsification of historical facts and political insinuations, under a patronage from the US government, Georgia misrepresents reality to the world. As of today, the major part of South Ossetia has been eradicated by Georgian aggressors. Our elderly, women and children continue to die. The total death toll is unknown as the Georgian side was opening heavy fire at those trying to help the wounded. Including children. The unmatched Georgian brutality has been vividly displayed in 1991-1992, when they have been firing point-blank at South Ossetian civilians - the Zar tragedy can never be forgotten, a bus full of people shot dead - elderly, women and children. They shot a three-year-old boy trying to hide under his mother s body. What can we talk about with Georgia? How can we forgive burying people alive, burning people, and torturing people with refined methods? After all this, the world is silent and the Georgians continue killing innocent people. Saakashvili doesn t feel sorry for anybody, even his compatriot Georgians. The notions of "people" and "meat" are not too different for him, and probably he prefers the latter. For South Ossetia there is only one way to survival - a recognition of its independence by the world community. We appeal to all the good people in the world not to be indifferent to the fate of the Ossetian people. 10/08/2008   THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRAGEDY ()   Appeal to the Governments and peoples of the world. You are being deceived by the media! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered the city of Tskhinvali - capital of South Ossetia.. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace-keepers were conducted. More than 2000 civil people already are killed. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening of 08.08.2008 to settle the conflict and prompt piece in the republic and to protect Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on the eve of the Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. The conflict is being resolved in compliance with international law. However, skillfully applying falsification of historical facts and political insinuations, under a patronage from the US government, Georgia misrepresents reality to the world. As of today, the major part of South Ossetia has been eradicated by Georgian aggressors. Our elderly, women and children continue to die. The total death toll is unknown as the Georgian side was opening heavy fire at those trying to help the wounded. Including children. Now we can see a mass destruction of the nation, the nation which primordially owned these territories , the nations which already was exposed to destruction from Georgians. How such can be? Our people have been systematically exterminated for the past 19 years by the fascist Georgian regime, and their inhuman atrocities have been neglected by the world for the sake of geopolitical interest of the United States. .... The population of South Ossetia is just about 70 thousand people.... To present and understand scale of tragedy better: the football stadium is of 85 000 places, all population of South Ossetia can't even fill the stadium... just 70 000 The unmatched Georgian brutality has been vividly displayed in 1991-1992, when they have been firing point-blank at South Ossetian civilians – the Zar tragedy can never be forgotten, a bus full of people shot dead - elderly, women and children. They shot a three-year-old boy trying to hide under his mother’s body. What can we talk about with Georgia? How can we forgive burying people alive, burning people, and torturing people with refined methods? After all this, the world is silent and the Georgians continue killing innocent people. Saakashvili doesn’t feel sorry for anybody, even his compatriot Georgians. The notions of "people" and "meat" are not too different for him, and probably he prefers the latter. For South Ossetia there is only one way to survival - a recognition of its independence by the world community. We appeal to all the good people in the world not to be indifferent to the fate of the Ossetian people. For proof and video-materials look on :   ,  ,   ,  ,  ,   , .We shall tell is not present to WAR!!!    OSSETIAN-ALANIAN NATION FACES A FATAL DANGER ()   At midnight on August 7th to the 8th, the most feared and anticipated (by both Ossetians and Georgian civilians) took place in Georgia. Only a few hours after the Georgian President, Mikhael Saakashvili, officially announced that all fire would be seized in the name of the Olympics and world peace, Georgian troops began a wide spread attack on all of South Ossetia. The Georgian troops concentrated their forces on the capital city Tskhinvali, using all possible forms of force (including warplanes, tanks, mortar rockets “GRAD” and artillery) to fire at innocent civilians in apartment complexes and suburban areas. The Georgian government has made their point clear- To teach Ossetains a lesson and to force them to leave the de facto independent Republic of South Ossetian. The chauvinistic Georgian government claims that they are a democratic country and that they represent freedom, but have in reality proceeded to start a bloody genocide on innocent Ossetian children, woman and elderly civilians. On top of this, innocent Georgian citizens of the surrounding villages have found themselves in the middle of all this crossfire and are being hostages of their own government. Following this attack, a mass of inaccurate Georgian propaganda worldwide is claiming that their “democratic” government is acting in the best interests of their country, “defending” themselves from South Ossetian separatists and Russian troops. The Georgian government is being supported by NATO as well as some European countries. Due to this, the Russian government is taking the necessary diplomatic and military steps to restore peace in South Ossetia and protect tens of thousands civilians, who are mostly Russian citizens. Georgia and neighbouring regions is walking on a very thin line. All involved parties need to understand this and withstand getting caught up in politics and step away from yet another Cold War. The most ill-fated party from all involved, are the innocent Ossetians who are now suffering from the third wave of genocide brought on to them by the Georgian government in the last 100 years. Attached below are the real results of the “democratic” actions of the Georgian government. The small Ossetian population is now at an even bigger risk of being wiped out in the name of “democracy”. Neither Ossetia nor Russia will let this happen. As long as there is at least one Ossetian man able to fight, Ossetians will defend their homeland and their families. They were born there and are ready to die on this land as free people, rather then live under the fascist regime of the Georgian government as social outcasts. The past few hours have demonstrated that the calculated and long planned blitzkrieg on the South Ossetians has failed completely. Despite the fact that thousands of innocent people have died and are still dying, the Ossetian people (both South and North parts) are ready to unite and defend themselves against their aggressors. Supporting the South Ossetians are the brothering nations of Abhazia, North Ossetia, Russia as well as regular people around the world who do not support fascism, dictatorship and wrongful enslavement of innocent people. We ask everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of Ossetia use all possible and legal ways to speak out against this genocide. Osetians in Canada 13/08/2008   From  : People of the world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 1400 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. Contact with the authors of the site  :   THE SAME VIDEO OF BBC HAS DIFFERENT INTERPRETATION FOR RUSSIA AND FOR GREAT BRITAIN  - on this public Estonian forum one of the participants has observed the manipulation of the video:    - Thousands forced to flee Georgia - the version for the English.  - Съемочная группа Би-би-си под авиаобстрелом (the BBS group uder the air-fire) - the version for the Russians.   THE LETTER OF A CITIZEN OF NORTHEN OSSETIA (in Russian):  One citizen living in the zone of the conflict tells his opinion and describes the situation from his point of vew.

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