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A dispute over Europe: What is Europe and what are its parameters?

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Default profile picture Danny S.


May 2nd will be a cul­mi­na­tion of per­spec­tives: the con­gress en­ti­tled A Dis­pute over Eu­rope will begin with a dis­cus­sion panel at Haus der Kul­turen der Welt in Berlin. What is Eu­rope? Who is a part of it? How shall it pro­ceed po­lit­i­cally, cul­tur­ally and so­cially? Pre­sent at the con­gress will be an ar­gu­men­ta­tive Ba­belian, and Cafébabel Berlin as of­fi­cial media part­ner.

Peter Schnei­der, Ul­rich Schreiber, Ul­rike Guerot, H.C. Buch, Daniel Cohn-Ben­dit and Frank Her­t­erich: the list of those who ini­ti­ated the con­gress en­ti­tled A Dis­pute over Eu­rope - Eu­ropa im Streit, which has been planned for many months, oozes with promi­nent fig­ures. Even the list of dis­cus­sion par­tic­i­pants is il­lus­tri­ous: aside from Hec­tor Abad and Necla Kelek, Ivan Kras­texv, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Jurko Pro­chasko and Karl Schlöger will all be dis­put­ing the fu­ture of Eu­rope. In­cluded in the group will be Ba­belian Daniel Tkatch who, to­gether with four other stu­dents, jour­nal­ists and so­cial ac­tivists, will pro­vide per­spec­tives from the younger gen­er­a­tion of Eu­rope. "Ul­ti­mately, the fu­ture of Eu­rope will be de­ter­mined and in­flu­enced by the cur­rent younger gen­er­a­tion," says so­ci­ol­o­gist Nína Ju­risch, who is also one of the or­ga­niz­ers of the dis­cus­sion forum. 

For the fa­cil­i­ta­tors, who see them­selves as "ded­i­cated Eu­ro­peans," this event isn't  in­tended for mere chat­ter and empty words. A Dis­pute over Eu­rope is de­lib­er­ately meant to cham­pion the causes of a "greater Eu­rope" and a new civ­i­liza­tion model, which has to be de­fended from the pop­ulist views of right and left po­lit­i­cal fac­tions. And since Eu­rope is just as dear to the jour­nal­ists and blog­gers of Cafébabel Berlin, not only will we ask Ul­rich Schreiber and Bernard Henri-Lévy for their per­spec­tives on Eu­rope, but we will also be an of­fi­cial media part­ner for A Dis­pute over Eu­rope. If you don't just want to lis­ten, but would also like to ask ques­tions and make your opin­ions heard, then come to Haus der Kul­turen der Welt on May 2nd and ex­pe­ri­ence a lively, mod­ern and con­tro­ver­sial Eu­rope in ac­tion. 

When?  May 2, 2014 from 2-9pm

Where? Haus der Kul­turen der Welt (John-Fos­ter-Dulles-Alle 10, Mitte)

Who? For any­one who is in­ter­ested in Eu­rope. No ad­mit­tance fee.


Cafébabel Berlin is an official media partner of A Dispute over Europe. Following May 2, 2014, you will be able to read articles centered on the congress as well as interviews with the panel members. More updates can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Translated from A Dispute over Europe: Was ist Europa und wenn ja wie viele?