80% of italians under 34 live off parents' money
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80% of italians under 34 live off parents' money
In 2014, more than half of 30-34 year old Italians are living off the money of their parents. That figure rises to 80% for all under 34s. In times of trouble, the Italian family provides an invaluable safety net.
the 80% of Italian under 34 are living with the money their parents or grandparents give to them. And still more: more than the half of the youngsters between 30 and 34 are surviving with the pocket money.
Aunque parezca increible, más de la mitad de los italianos entre 30 y 34 años no podrían subsistir sin el dinero que le dan sus padres o sus abuelos. El caso es todavía más grave si analizamos el conjunto de jóvenes entre 18 y 34. Casi un 80% de los italianos de esta edad no podrían salir adelante sin la paga que reciben cada mes.
Read on Giornalettismo.com 25/02
Tetris helps cut cravings
Playing Tetris for just three minutes a day helps cut cravings, making it easier to stop smoking and stick to diets. Researchers at Plymouth University's Cognition Institute discovered that the retro game of tesselating tiles could reduce cravings by a quarter and overcome the problem of weak will-power, a problem to which many would be dieters or non-smokers succumb.
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Translated from Jugar al Tetris para perder peso