#6 MEPs... Say What!? Tweets of the Week
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Who says EU politicians are a bunch of faceless bureaucrats? They're people just like us, and here's the proof. Each week Cafébabel brings you a selection of the weirdest, whackiest and most touching Tweets from European parliamentary candidates. We'll bring you bright ideas, brilliance and loonies, and reasons to vote in the May elections.
The European Parliament raised hackles in Iran with a new resolution criticising human rights abuses. How dare they? Only 537 people have been executed in the past eight months. Catherine Ashton also unilaterally pissed off the Iranians, meeting 6 female activists in Tehran for International Women’s day. And so here we see an American flag being burnt in outrage at western interference. Perhaps the shops had already sold out of EU flags?
Translation: Look what I found on the internet.
Here comes Captain Europe! This dramatic image depicts wannabe parliamentarian, Grzegorz Gruchalski, as the intergalactic game-changer of European politics. Dear Mr. Gruchalski, no offence, but did you photoshop it yourself? You belong to the selfie generation that likes to tag me, myself and I in every picture on every social network. But so do we and you can't fool us.
Women in Europe earn 16% less than men. Last year 87% of the European Parliament voted for equal pay. Not UKIP. The party stirs up shit storm after shit storm. Former UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom called a group of female activists “sluts” and said that women are sluts if they don’t clean behind the fridge. But chauvinist politicians are not just a native UK species. In France, misogynists make chicken noises in parliament. In Germany, they dream of journalists in dirndls.
Since the heydays of the 19th century Industrial Revolution, global temperatures have risen by almost one degree celsius. But whilst industrialised countries have reaped the economic benefits of burning fossil fuels, it’s the poor, less-developed countries who will suffer the consequences- droughts, monsoons, cyclones etc. But EU leadership on the issue is threatened by the anticipated influx of right-wing climate change sceptics in the May elections. An uphill struggle is about to get even harder.
And finally, lets take a moment to contemplate the beauty of the Old Continent. Isn't it nice?