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#4 Meps... Say What?! Tweets of the week

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PoliticsMEPs... Say What!?

Who says EU politi­cians are a bunch of face­less bu­reau­crats? They're peo­ple just like us, and here's the proof. Each week Cafébabel bring­s you a se­lec­tion of the weird­est, whack­i­est and most touch­ing Tweets from Eu­ro­pean par­lia­men­tary can­di­dates. We'll bring you bright ideas, bril­liance and loonies, and rea­sons to vote in the May elec­tions.

This week UKIP’s Nigel Farage took on the Lib Dem’s Nick Clegg in a de­bate about Eu­rope. They clashed over im­mi­gra­tion, jobs and called each other liars. Farage pre­dictably par­roted "the best peo­ple to gov­ern Britain are the British peo­ple." A poll sug­gests Farage clob­bered Clegg 57% to 36%. Clegg has promised more emo­tion and less sta­tis­tics in next week’s de­bate.

Trans­la­tion: The oc­to­pus of the civic plat­form in Opole

Poland is a for­mer-So­viet suc­cess sto­ry, em­brac­ing free mar­ket re­form in­stead of the state cap­i­tal­ist route that has seen Rus­sia and Ukraine stag­nate. But a So­viet residue re­mains. Nepo­tist ten­ta­cles creep through the econ­omy, of­fer­ing lu­cra­tive legs up to friends. In 2013, the Cen­tral Anti-Cor­rup­tion Bu­reau re­vealed that mil­lions were paid to politi­cians to se­cure lu­cra­tive gov­ern­ment con­tracts. Keep your ten­ta­cles to your­self.

As Eu­rope pussyfoots around Rus­sia, im­pos­ing sanc­tions that are suf­fi­ciently in­signif­i­cant to keep the gas taps turned on, thoughts turn to en­ergy di­ver­si­fi­ca­tion. Scot­land is lead­ing the way with wind­farms sprout­ing like mush­rooms. SNP leader, Alex Salmond is aim­ing for 100% re­new­ables by 2020. In­evitably this feeds into the in­de­pen­dence de­bate, and Scot­land's en­ergy min­is­ter has claimed that Eng­land's lights would go out with­out Scot­land. And as for the "British" oil re­serves lo­cated in Scot­land...?

Barack Obama spent 24 hours in Brus­sels last week at a cost of €10m to the Bel­gian tax payer. His be­he­mothic en­tourage in­cluded 900 hu­mans, 45 ve­hi­cles and 3 planes. On the other hand Dutch Prime Min­is­ter Mark Rutte, goes to work on a bi­cy­cle. In 2012 he hor­ri­fied an Iran­ian del­e­ga­tion who were ‘ashamed’ to see a Eu­ro­pean leader ar­rive on a bi­ke. For­get pres­i­dents and per­son­al­ity cults, the Dutch prime min­is­ter is known as primus inter pares (first among equals).