From May the 10th till May the 12th more than 2.000 students will
partecipate to "Sea Battle" an event organized by the Erasmus Student
Organized by the Erasmus Student Network Sweden, Estonia and
Finland, the “Sea Battle” will be an incredible two days of cruising,
turism and partying right on the Baltic sea.
Involving more than 2.000 students from all over Europe it announces
as one of the greatest events for celebrating the beginning of spring,
now that finally the sun started to warm also some of the coldest
European spots.
Leaving from Tallinn harbor - Terminal D -on May the 10th the
cruise will take then the way to Stockholm where it will stay for some
hours during the 11th morning before heading back to the Estonian
For more information about this event you can visit the ESN - Estonia page or contact [email protected][EFP]