Journalisten und Photographen kommt mit nach Athen vom 9. - 12. Oktober
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Jasper FinkeldeyFünf Städte und fünf Reportagen: „EU in Motion“ zeigt mit dem Finger auf das, was Europa gerade bewegt: Arbeitslosigkeit, Finanzmärkte und Banken und die Frage, wie der Kontinent in der Zukunft aussehen soll. Wir senden junge Reporter nach Athen.
WHAT IS IT? In 2013 we launched our monthly editorial series, EU in Motion, which aims to make us think about the future of Europe and where we're going with the elections round the corner.
TO DO WHAT: Valorising local, young projects, ideas, stories, initiatives and angles. Get out ‘on the ground’ and make us feel you’ve been hanging out and getting about in Athens. Go gonzo, don't go all 'institutional' : be creative, be personal, whilst remaining journalistic-minded with facts and statistics, sources and interviews. Spend time with locals, describe what you saw/felt/learnt from them. Be critical, the ‘EU’ isn’t an ideology for Cafébabel
WANTED: We need two journalists (print or video) and one photographer to join this mission: writing on the 5 following topics with the support of our local host team:
- Youth unemployment
- Elections in your country: does Europe matter?
- Fundamental rights and populism rise among the youth
- Social Europe and quality of life from the youth' point of view
- How to regulate financial markets and banks
Make sure you don’t come unprepared, so we can get down to business whilst we're there.
It’s your article proposals that will get you noticed for this mission: so be creative, do some research before applying; flog your idea donkeys to me.
LOGISTICS: Book your own flights/trains to Athens: a sum of up to 280 euros is reimbursed by cafebabel (provided receipts are kept) upon return from the trip and receipt of the article. Other travel and food expenses are reimbursed up to 200 euros (for more information talk to our project manager Amandine). The team stays in a hostel that has already been booked by cafébabel.
EDITORIAL: The editor in charge at Paris HQ, who will be leading the trip to Athens. They will supervise you in defining the angle of your article and making preparations for interviews at least a couple of weeks before the trip is due to commence.
BUT: it’s up to you to do your own research before leaving, to find interesting angles and book interviewees and develep ideas 'on the ground'. The written piece is due in strictly one week later, when the relevant linguistic editor from the central Paris office will edit your piece, which will be translated by our volunteer networks, and then published in six languages within the following month.
If you are under 35 years old and you live in a European country, send us your CV, three-line EU in Motion article proposals (respectively one or two proposals for photogalleries and some pictures if you apply as a photographer), linked with youth mobility and unemployment, the rise of populism in EU countries, social and financial issues in Europe, as well as ideas for interviewees... be original! We look forward to hearing them!
Deadline: Freitag, 12. September, 23.59
Tullio Filippone and Emeline Mauduit
Contact : eu-in-motion@cafebabel.com
This project is funded with support from the European Parliament.
Translated from Call for journalists/photographers: EU in Motion, 1-5 October, Athens.