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Image for Call for EUtoo Berlin: 13-17 April 2016

Call for EUtoo Berlin: 13-17 April 2016

Published on

Translation by:

Joseph Pearson

inside cafébabel

This year, cafébabel is going to 7 different European cities for our new feature report "EUtoo". Following on from Budapest, Madrid, Krakow, London, Athens and Copenhagen, we will be heading to the spectacular city of Berlin from the 13th to the 17th of April. Selected journalists will be accompanied by Naiara, our Spanish editor, and welcomed to the city by our local team.

So what is "EU too"? 

In brief

For our next feature report, EU too, cafébabel is going to meet the disenchanted youth of Europe. Who are these young people, contesting European consensus and leaving it behind in favour of alternative ideas? Why do they feel badly represented? What is it that they want to change? What are they hoping for in the future? In order to answer these questions, we will meet and interview them in their own cities and neighbourhoods. 

Your role 

The objective will be to listen to the voices of these young people to include them in the European debate. We are expecting a youth-friendly and off-the-wall tone, as well as an original and innovative style. Spend time with the locals, describe what you see, feel and learn from them. Tell your story in a creative and personal way, backed up with facts, statistics and verifiable sources!


We are looking for 2 print journalists1 photographer and 1 filmmaker who will come together to form this great team.

If you are under 35 years old and you live in a European country, send us your CV with 3 article proposals (of three lines each), as well as suggestions of potential interviewees! 

If you're applying for the photographer or videomaker positons, please send a link to your portfolio as well.

Your article proposals need to be linked to one of our four reporting categories: politics, culture, society, or lifestyle. So be creative and do some research before applying. We look forward to hearing your ideas!

Send your CV and proposals to the following 

DEADLINE : 20th of March 2016.

"EU too" in practice 


Once selected, you will have to book your own flights or trains to Berlin: a sum of up to 280 euros is reimbursed by cafébabel (you must keep your receipts) once you have returned from the trip and we have received your receipts. Other travel and food expenses will be reimbursed up to 200 euros (for more information contact our communications officer Anthony). The team will stay in a hostel that will be booked by cafébabel.


Our Spanish editor, Naiara, will be leading the trip to Berlin. She will supervise you whilst deciding on the angle for your article and making preparations for interviews at least two weeks before the trip is due to begin. You will also benefit from the help of our local team in Berlin.

However, you must prepare your own subject and bring your own ideas to the table. Get information about the city, find people that you would like to interview, show your creativity and motivation!

The deadline for the submission of written pieces is strictly one week after the end of the trip, and participants should write in their mother tongue. It will then be edited, translated and published in the six languages of cafébabel over the following month. 

Any questions ? Contact us!

This project is co-funded by the European Commission

Translated from Partez en reportage à Berlin du 13 au 17 avril !