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Image for Bilal Wahib: a fresh take on european cinema

Bilal Wahib: a fresh take on european cinema

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CreativePartenairesBerlinaleLatestEuropean Shooting Stars

Bilal Wahib is one of the ten "European Shooting Stars" of the 2020 Berlinale. The young Dutch started his career on TV before making his big screen debut in 2016 with "Layla M." by Mike de Jong. This year, he played a role in the film "Paradise Drifters" by Mees Peijnenburg and "About That Life (De Libi)" by Shady El-Hamus. We asked him what is important for European cinema according to him.

Find more information about Bilal Wahib here.

These interviews have been made by Luis Jachmann at the Berlinale 2020, in partnership with European Film Promotion.

Cover picture : © Frank Ruiter

Story by

Luis Nicolas

Journalist for German TV WDR and Euronews Video artist and photographer Former Master student at Sciences Po Paris and BA in Berlin, Humboldt University