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Radical Democracy Video Challenge: Award Ceremony + Screening

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inside cafébabel

On May 18, the ten best videos of Radical Democracy: European Video Challenge 2014 will be screened at the Planete+ Doc Film Festival in Warsaw, Poland – in the heart of Europe. The Award Ceremony marks the highlight of the Radical Democracy Challenge, which was launched three months ago in partnership with cafébabel.

On February 17, Doc Next Network called on media makers, social activists and critical thinkers to take a stand: to share their views on ‘Europe’, reflect on alternatives, and create new narratives for an open society. A total of 212 media makers from across Europe responded and submitted their work. 

Just like real elections, Doc Next Network then invited online audiences to cast their votes. Between April 16 and 27 nearly 7000 people voted for their favourite videos. At the same time, a Selection Committee representing the Doc Next Network partner organizations made their selection. The 30 Finalists, including 5 wild cards for audience favourites, are announced on

During the Closing Ceremony of the Planete+ Doc festival on Saturday May 17, the international Jury will officially announce the 5 Winners. At the Radical Democracy Award Ceremony on Sunday May 18, the 5 Special Mentions will be announced and all 10 videos will be awarded and screened. The 5 Winners are awarded with €2500 each, and the 5 Special Mentions are awarded with €1000 each.

Award Ceremony + Screening Radical Democracy: European Video Challenge 2014 May 18 | Palace of Culture and Science (Pl. Defilad 1), Cinema Kinoteka 2 | 03:00 PM | Polish & English

The international Jury is comprised of:  

- Artur Liebhart | Producer, distributor / Festival Director of Planete+ Doc Film Festival (based in Poland)

- İmre Azem | Documentary filmmaker, social activist / Director of Ecumenopolis: City Without Limits (based in Turkey)

- Juan Luis Sánchez | Journalist / Co-founder and Deputy Director of (based in Spain)

- Nicole van Schaik | Journalist, media maker / European Outreach Director of Good Pitch at Britdoc (based in the UK)

Radical Democracy: European Video Challenge 2014 aims to instigate a debate and discover ‘radical’ stories about what is and should be happening in Europe. An invitation to think about the role we play in decision-making processes and to challenge prevailing notions of democracy, governance and participation (further information about the challenge here).

The winning Radical Democracy videos will be screened at various festivals and platforms, and become part of the Doc Next Online Media Collection.

Radical Democracy: European Video Challenge 2014 is a project by Doc Next Network, an initiative of the European Cultural Foundation. Doc Next Network is a unique movement of independent cultural and media organisations. It is a collective of researchers, programmers, educators and innovators working with young people and media in the UK, Spain, Poland and Turkey. cafébabel is a communications partner.