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UE-Ucrania Summit aims to bring ucranians closer to Europe

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The Summit between the European Union and Ucrania has started yesterday, with the goal of making the relationships between Europe and this ex-URSS country stronger.

On the list of subjects to be discuss between Luís Amado, Javier Solana, José Barroso and the Ucranian president, Viktor Iuschenko, is the issue of visa concessions to Ucranian citizens that wish to work in the European Union, and the reinforcement of democracy in the Ucranian political institutions, as well as the reinforcement of the country's nuclear security. Ucranian prime-minister, Viktor Ianukovitch, has assured that Ucrania's goal is to get closer to its European partners on the issues of economical and energy cooperation.

Author: Bruno Rego

Translation: Maria Alcaparra