'The reunion', Hideous madnessodiosa loca
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Redacción Sevilla Cafebabel.comWho has not been victim or executioner during his childhood in school? Who has not felt misgivings in spite of adult age? If anyone present is free of sin, raise his hand in the movie theatre or street forever. This is how I felt after watching The Reunion, the worst film I have seen in my life.
Film Information
Country: Suecia
Year : 2013
Director: Anna Odell
Length: 83 minutos
Cast: Ana Odell
Script: Anna Odell
Photography: Ragna Jorming
Producer: Mathilde Dedye
Coproducer: Gunnar Carlsson
Studio/Producer: French Quarter Film, Sveriges Television AB-SVT~~
Who has not been victim or executioner during his childhood in school? Who has not felt misgivings in spite of adult age? If anyone present is free of sin, raise his hand in the movie theatre or street forever. This is how I felt after watching The Reunion, the worst film I have seen in my life, and in fact, it could not have been in another section of the European Film Festival of Seville. It was placed in the “Nuevas Olas” section.
Her protagonist and principal actress, Anna Odell is accented in dark humor is simply a pigswill. It is his greatest work, and sincerely, I do not know if there will be futuristic adjectives for “opera” in the future. It seems that Anna Odell, who represents majestically her own and unstable Anna Odell (best known in Sweden for having gone through a month in a mental asylum experimenting in “aras” of the art) has not overcome the childhood issues, in many occasions cruel and stupid, that everyone, absolutely, have gone through the first years of school.
The setting of this film is a reunion of old friends organized by one of the friend’s group leaders who, it seems, never treated as Anna expected he should have been taken carefully cared in the past. A movie, on a movie whose cast maintains exactly the same names of those hated characters in Anna Odell’s life… yes Sr., you have not missed, a movie about a movie…a metamovie a bout a hideous lunatic. To make uncomfortable comments, but when these are out of context, accompanied of look that leaves you feeling nervous and cold, the 88 minutes of this film become intolerable. I only have one thing to say, ¡Get over it looser!
I almost forgot…18 minutes before this rotten dish, one has to suffer a bit more with Thirteen Blue, an incomprehensible Greek short, and not by its marvelous complex language, but by its insulting argument: family centered in the pregnancy of one of their daughters, she has an abortion and one of her sisters, silencing, with an apparent state of mental affectation, goes towards the sea in an infinite blue that gives the name to this nightmare “blue”, ah! and “thirteen”, from her adolescent age, in my opinion.
Translated from 'The reunion', odiosa loca