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 QUICKIES of the week (27-31.01)

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Remember, two quickies a day keep the doctor away


Tesco forced to stop 'geek' line

First no more horse meat. Now no more geeks. Tesco are clean­ing up their act. The su­per­mar­ket chain was forced to stop their 'geek' line of clothes after a mother com­plained they could re­sult in her son being bul­lied about his eye prob­lem. The clothes fea­tured pic­tures of an­i­mals wear­ing spec­ta­cles and the cap­tions 'nerd' and 'geek'.

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What will Sarko say?

A for­mer can­di­ate of the con­ser­v­a­tive UMP de­cided to tear his mem­ber card apart be­cause he's un­happy about the way the party dealt with his ho­mo­sex­u­al­ity.

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China in the red

China has over­taken Italy as the world's largest con­sumer of red wine. Last year the coun­try drank 1.865 bil­lion bot­tles. In China, red sym­bol­ises good for­tune, wealth and power, while white is often as­so­ci­ated with death, mak­ing red the ob­vi­ous choice for busi­ness meet­ings.

Read on in­de­pen­dent.​co.​uk

He's alive!

Michael Schu­macher has moved his eyes. One mil­lime­ter of move­ment, one mil­lion head­lines. Since Schu­macher sus­tained se­vere head in­juries in a ski­ing ac­ci­dent, he has been in an ar­ti­fi­cially in­duced coma. His sur­vival has been far from cer­tain, but the signs are look­ing more promis­ing as the 7 time F1 cham­pion is gen­tly rea­woken from his coma.

Read on bild.​de


Big­ger is Bet­ter

It seems that in the mod­ern age David would be de­feated by Go­liathm at least psy­cho­log­i­cally. Ox­ford re­searchers have shown how small peo­ple are more likely to suf­fer from psy­cho­log­i­cal prob­lems such as mis­trust, para­noia and fear. 

Read on dai­ly­mail.​co.​uk


The Vat­i­can's Twit­ter ac­count posted graf­fiti of the Pope found on the walls of Rome. That Fran­cis is more pop­u­lar than Ratzinger we al­ready knew, but that he wants to com­pete with su­per­man... it's one thing after an­other with this so­cial media Pope.  Read on lefi­garo.​fr


Nor­man Baker Sex­ting Down

Lib­eral De­mo­c­rat Min­is­ter of State Nor­man Baker has said that teach­ers need to do more to keep tabs on stu­dent sex­ting. Teach­ers are to be given extra pow­ers to seize phones and ex­am­ine the con­tent, care­fully seek­ing out in­ti­mate pic­tures. More than half of young Brits think sex­ting is 'pretty nor­mal'. Per­haps more shcok­ing is that Nor­man Baker, a 'Lib­eral' De­mo­c­rat, thinks teacher sexto trawl­ing is nor­mal.

Mc Don­alds De­liv­er­ies in Poland

You dream about it. Poland's gone and done it. Poland will be the first Eu­ro­pean coun­try to enjoy Mc Don­ald's new de­liv­ery ser­vice. Mc Don­alds de­liv­ered straight to your mouth, what more could Eu­rope ask for?


A teenager robs a bank with a toy gun  

A 16-year-old from Bad Füssing (Ger­many) de­cided to go DYI in crime. He robbed a bank hold­ing a plas­tic toy gun and ab­sconded with hun­dreds of euros by bike. He was ap­pre­hended by po­lice sev­eral min­utes later while try­ing to cross the bor­der into Aus­tria. Such a beau­ti­ful fail­ure.

Read on ndtv.​com

I don't want no money

A Ger­man lady won 400,000 euros in the lot­tery but she chuckedall the money down the toi­let be­cause she didn't want it to be used to pay care home debts owed by her hus­band who re­cently died. On the day the bill ar­rived she had drunk 5 bot­tles of cham­pagne and she just ripped up all 800 500euro notes and flushed them down the toi­let

Read on www.​dai­lymir­ror.​co.​uk

Translated from QUICKIES TYGODNIA (27-31.01)