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Post To BabelPeople

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Nino Gogua


Hello everybody!!! გამარჯობა gamarjoba_.wav

Welcome on Tbilisi Babel blog and welcome to Tbilisi as well.

Probably it’s the first time you’re visiting the Capital of Georgia on blog. So let me briefly introduce the city to you hoping for your virtual and real visits.

Let me begin from the beginning - the strange letters in the first sentence mean Hello in Georgian.

I know, it’s little hard to pronounce, but Tbilisi sounds easier :) tbilisi.wav We are not going to write posts in Georgian, any way :) tbilisis xedi

I just wanted to tell you more about Tbilisi than Wikipedia can do. Like – it’s a little city full of hope and energy and there are optimist and active people living there. That young journalists being babelblogians are going to do their best to bring Europe to Tbilisi and to bring Tbilisi to you.

And Georgian wine is the best of course! :)

We are gathering all of our strength and new ideas to begin blogging on I‘m sure this little post will be the beginning of our joyful cooperation and friendship.

With many thanks to all of the members of Babel team for your help.

Coming back soon with a new SERIOUS post. Have a nice week and keep visiting Babel Tbilisi!

ნახვამდის naxvamdis.wav - see you soon!

Nino Gogua Tbilisi Babel Team

p.s. Georgian words specialy for Ole!

Photo by Arlindo Zaza

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