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News to Babelians about Babel forums

Published on

Translation by:

Diane Maurissen

inside cafébabel

Hello Babelians!!!

What's up?

This is Diane from the e-community office.

First of all, thank you so much to all those who helped us translate the new generation of Babel Forums. Moritz, Marta, Stella, Natalia, Anna and more- it could not have been possible without you. You can have a sneak preview if you click here.

When exactly will they be launch?

The forum is already accessible as you have seen but not yet public. That’s because we need to make it lively first. Your individual input will be extremely important. We count on you to make the forum lively, scandalous while informative!

The next step is to create a list of moderators and translators who will help animate the Babel Forums. If you would like to get involved, please send me or Vince an email at and we will provide the necessary tools for you to have special powers!

I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Translated from Babelforen