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inside cafébabel

Ready to flex your German language muscles?

Financial crisis, identity crisis, crisis crisis. Do young Europeans still believe in unity? Editorial coordinator Katharina Kloss explains how we try to lock down on a pan-European editorial line, speaks about the best-selling German literature and how as former erasmus students, this world may only be limited to a minority elite.

'I am Europe - searching for a European vision' (57 minutes) is German radio reporter Laura Freisberg's piece gauging's opinions after having spent some time at HQ here in Paris recently.

You can listen to 'I am Europe - Auf der Suche nach europäischen Visionen' on Munich-based Bayern 2's programme Zuendfunk here, download it here or find it on itunes (for free) by typing in the keywords 'Zündfunk Langstrecke'; (Scroll the cursor towards the last quarter of the programme).

Viel spass!