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How to translate a topic on the forum and why.

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inside cafébabel

In order to build a European Public opinion, we need to discuss local, regional or international issues at transeuropean level. This is why we created the babelforums with a special tool to translate the first posts of a discussion.

How do you translate?

1) First of all, you need to register on Go to “Sign up” above at the right hand side. You create a personalized profile.

If you are already registered, just sign in.

2) Ask for special powers to Vaness will provide you with the necessary authorizations to translate directly online. 3) Click on the forum.

4) Click on “Translate this discussion”.

5) Select a version already available in “Translate from the following language”.

6) Then, choose carefully below the “Language” in which you are going to write.

7) Translate! Make sure to include whatever picture or link was included in the original version. It is also very important to include the author of the original post as well as a link to his/ her profile.

8) For safety measures, we encourage you to copy/paste your translation on a word doc…  9) Save your work by clicking on “Create topic”.

10) Congratulations and many thanks for your contribution!