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EUtopia in Seville: Join us reporting on the ground

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inside cafébabel

EUtopia is back. This time it's 'EUtopia: Time to Vote'. With European Parliamentary elections approaching, this is your chance to join Cafébabel reporting on the ground

Call for jour­nal­ists/pho­tog­ra­phers: EU­topia Time to Vote, 19-23 Feb­ru­ary, Seville

7 cities and 7 spe­cial fea­ture re­ports: we're con­tin­u­ing our se­ries of monthly re­port­ing mis­sions to dif­fer­ent cities in our pan-Eu­ropean net­work. This year with ‘EU­topia: Time to Vote’, there is a spe­cial focus on the Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­men­tary elec­tions this year.


WHAT IS ‘EU­topia’? In 2013 we launched our monthly ed­i­to­r­ial se­ries, ‘EU­topia on the ground’, which aims to raise con­scious­ness about what Eu­rope re­ally is as the Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­men­tary elec­tions ap­proach.

WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING?: Val­oris­ing local, young pro­jects, ideas, sto­ries, ini­tia­tives and an­gles that have emerged from pre­oc­cu­pa­tions chal­leng­ing our fu­ture and fan­tasies. Get out ‘on the ground’ and make us feel you’ve been out and about, re­ally get­ting to grips with Seville. Try to use more 'gonzo' jour­nal­ism than 'in­sti­tu­tional' jour­nal­ism: be cre­ative, be per­sonal, whilst re­main­ing jour­nal­is­tic-minded with the facts and sta­tis­tics, the sources and in­ter­vie­wees. Spend time with lo­cals, de­scribe what you saw/felt/learnt from them. Be crit­i­cal, ‘EU’ isn’t an ide­ol­ogy for cafeba­bel.​com.


WANTED: We need three jour­nal­ists (print or video) and one pho­tog­ra­pher to join this mis­sion: writ­ing on the three fol­low­ing top­ics with the sup­port of our local host team:

  • Youth un­em­ploy­ment and mo­bil­ity in Eu­rope
  • Youth ini­tia­tives from Seville at the Eu­ro­pean in­sti­tu­tions
  • Eu­rophilia/Eu­ro­pho­bia and Eu­roscep­ti­cism

Make sure you come pre­pared so we can re­ally get stuck in.

It’s your ar­ti­cle pro­pos­als that will get you no­ticed for this mis­sion: so be cre­ative, do some re­search be­fore ap­ply­ing, show us what you’ve got.


LO­GIS­TICS: Book your own flights/trains to Seville: a sum of up to 280 euros is re­im­bursed by cafeba­bel.​com (pro­vided re­ceipts are kept) upon re­turn from the trip and re­ceipt of the ar­ti­cle. Other travel and food ex­penses are re­im­bursed (for more in­for­ma­tion speak to our pro­ject man­ager Aman­dine). The team is ac­com­mo­dated in a hos­tel.

ED­I­TO­R­IAL: The ed­i­tor in charge at Paris HQ, who will be lead­ing the mis­sion in Seville, will su­per­vise you in defin­ing the angle of your ar­ti­cle and mak­ing prepa­ra­tions for in­ter­views at least a cou­ple of weeks be­fore the trip is due to com­mence.

BUT: it’s up to you to do your own re­search be­fore leav­ing for the pro­ject, to find in­ter­est­ing an­gles and book in­ter­vie­wees and ideas 'on the ground'. The writ­ten piece is due in strictly one week later, when the rel­e­vant lin­guis­tic ed­i­tor from the cen­tral Paris of­fice will edit your piece, which will be trans­lated by our vol­un­teer net­works, and then pub­lished in six lan­guages within the fol­low­ing month.


If you are under 35 years old and you live in a Eu­ro­pean coun­try, then send us your CV, two three-line EU­TOPIA pitches, linked with the Eu­ro­pean elec­tions, youth mo­bil­ity and un­em­ploy­ment, ideas of in­ter­vie­wees... be orig­i­nal! We look for­ward to read­ing them!

Con­tact: Matthieu Amaré     m.​amare@​cafeba­bel.​com

Con­tact: Katarzyna Pi­asecka   k.​pi­asecka@​cafeba­bel.​com

Lo­gis­tics ques­tions: Aman­dine Guille­mois     a.​guille­mois@​cafeba­bel.​com

Dead­line : Monday 27th january, midday.


Fol­low the progress of the pro­ject on the Eu­topia on the ground Face­book page

This project is funded with support from the European Commission via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Hippocrène Foundation and the Evens Foundation.

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