European Youth Journalism : where do we go from here ?
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Europe is constantly changing and so is journalism. The new generation of journalists will have to face a different reality than the last one. How will journalists use this change? What are the challenges they will have to deal with? What are the benefits of making journalism in a world where there are no borders? Or is this an illusion? On 24 April, come and debate !
The European Youth Press, the online magazine cafebabel.com and the Forum for European Journalism Students are happy to welcome you to an evening dedicated to the youth Media, at the Residence Palace in Brussels.
Come and participate in a debate together with :
Joe Hennon
Spokesman of EU Commissioner Margot Wallström
Maria Laura Franciosi
Senior Journalist on European Affairs
Giuseppe Zaffuto, Director of Programmes at the European Journalism Centre, President of Journalists at Your Service.
You will have the opportunity to hear their perspectives and ask the questions you feel need to be answered to discover the future of youth Media in Europe !
moderation : Vanessa Witkowski, Secretary General EYP
The debate will be followed by a <b>reception</b> where you will be able to continue the discussion around some drinks
Each participant will get a free drink !
TO REGISTER, click here !
Where ?
Residence Palace, International Press Centre
Rue de la Loi 155, Bloc C - Polak Room
B-1040 Brussels
Metro : Schuman
When ?
Thursday 24 April 2008
From 19:00