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Image for Cafebabel's Editors get their tongues in a twist, and it's all for you...

Cafebabel's Editors get their tongues in a twist, and it's all for you...

Published on

Translation by:

Joel Lewin

inside cafébabel

It's not always so easy to speak a foreign language. Ask the Cafébabel editors...

Cafébabel is not just a mag­a­zine. It's a net­work of young peo­ple who aren't afraid of Eu­rope, but in­stead em­brace it as an every­day part of their lives. Tak­ing part in fes­ti­vals, work­ing for NGOs or var­i­ous or­gan­i­sa­tions, or sim­ply sit­ting be­hind their key­board, get­ting into the spirit with on­line con­tri­bu­tions, Eu­rope is some­thing to be lived. Our net­work of con­trib­u­tors is the life and soul of the mag­a­zine; you Ba­belians are the ones who keep the mag­a­zine alive by writ­ing ar­ti­cles, trans­lat­ing, tak­ing part in local teams and local events, or­gan­is­ing meet-ups, or even just read­ing the mag­a­zine. It's not just a two-way sym­bio­sis; it's a com­mu­nity that moves in myr­iad di­rec­tions.

We often say that Cafébabel gives young Eu­ro­peans a voice. Nor­mally, Ba­belians ex­press them­selves in their mother tongue. But mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism also hinges on you­ung peo­ple who learn other lan­guages... some­times that's eas­ier said than done. The ed­i­tors of Cafébabel have also got forked tongues... here's the proof.

If you you're also a con­trib­u­tor to Cafébabel and you want to shout it to the world, we've done a few il­lus­tra­tions  which you can down­load and post on so­cial net­works. Help your­self! It's our plea­sure.

Since we're so lovely(and in­ter­est­ing...), we've also made a tum­blr  so you can see what goes on be­hind the scenes; all the hard labour that goes into pro­duc­ing your favourite mag­a­zine!

Translated from Quand la langue des éditeurs de cafébabel fourche