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Berlin Jukebox: Aantigen

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Default profile picture Danny S.


Those who like elec­tronic music can get their money's worth in Berlin. But with so many DJs, artists and live acts, it's easy to lose one­self. That's why we pre­sent AAnti­Gen: sub­tle and for­eign sounds com­bined with a Berlin groove and a pinch of un­der­ground. Tune in.

Puls­ing beats, am­bi­ent and for­eign sounds: the elec­tronic music that self-pro­claimed Berliner AAnti­Gen has been pro­duc­ing for the past cou­ple of years trans­mits a vi­brant and mu­si­cal so­cial­iza­tion. While every­thing started with the prim be­gin­nings of the recorder and piano, the world later saw the ad­di­tion of hip hop, folk, techno and back­pack trav­els. Mean­while, AAnti­Gen finds him­self sit­u­ated in the gen­res of deep house, techno and elec­tron­ica. Per­form­ing at clubs is more of a di­ver­sion for him, since pro­duc­ing music is his pri­mary focus. And his music seems to be pop­u­lar; a good por­tion of his tracks are planned to be re­leased in May 2014 under dif­fer­ent la­bels such as Klang­wild, Teller­rand Rec. and Baum­Baum Label, while his live sets are see­ing a steady in­crease in dif­fer­ent Berlin clubs. What's most im­por­tant for AAnti­Gen, how­ever, is how music pro­duces plea­sure and fun - not only for him­self but also for club-go­ers.

Straight out of Friech­richs­hain. AAn­ti­Gen: Dr. Em­me_Ba­gak Remix (2014). 

How would you de­scribe your style?

AAnti­GenI make elec­tronic dance music with a four-four time that's con­nected to melan­choly and depth, and which has lit­tle to do with happy sun­shine techno. You can hear in­flu­ences from my singer-song­writer-his­tory, such as gui­tar and vo­cals, in my older tracks from around the time I started pro­duc­ing elec­tronic music. But this grad­u­ally de­creased. I still like melodies, but please noth­ing too poppy!

How long have you been dj'ing and where?

AAnti­Gen: I've al­ways made music, but I've only been mak­ing elec­tronic music for about five years. Out of this, I've been ac­tive as a DJ for about two, par­tic­u­larly in bars and clubs such as Brun­nen70 in Wed­ding or Cräck Bellmer in Friedrichshain. But those were all smooth tran­si­tions; even when I was young I was playng around with record play­ers. The peo­ple and clubs here in Berlin had a big in­flu­ence on me, but I was never a music nerd that knew all the dif­fer­ent bands, pro­duc­ers and DJs. Rather, I ap­proached it all with a free spirit. 

What's the Berlin club scene for you?

AAnti­Gen: It's a lit­tle piece of free­dom, in which you can find and lose your­self, waste your­self and fall in love, dance for three days and pass out in a club, go to bath­room with ten other peo­ple, find friends and make en­e­mies. That doesn't re­ally exist any­where else in the world.

Straight from the dance­floor. AAn­ti­Gen: Dance­floor Me­di­ta­ti­on (2014). 

CAFÉBABEL BER­LIN has turned on the JUKE­BOX

Fed up wit the eter­nal sun­shine of top 10 hits, radio loops and Spo­tify playlists? From April 2014 on­wards, we will in­tro­duce you to young mu­si­cians, DJs and live acts from Berlin who still have the mu­si­cal power to sur­prise you. Check out the juke­box! More tracks and playlists on Facebook and Twitter.

Translated from Berlin Jukebox: Aantigen