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#6 MEPs... Say What!? Tweets of the Week

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PoliticsMEPs... Say What!?

Who says EU politicians are a bunch of faceless bureaucrats? They're people just like us, and here's the proof. Each week Cafébabel brings you a selection of the weirdest, whackiest and most touching Tweets from European parliamentary candidates. We'll bring you bright ideas, brilliance and loonies, and reasons to vote in the May elections.

The Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­ment raised hack­les in Iran with a new res­o­lu­tion crit­i­cis­ing human rights abuses. How dare they? Only 537 peo­ple have been ex­e­cuted in the past eight months. Cather­ine Ash­ton also uni­lat­er­ally pissed off the Ira­ni­ans, meet­ing 6 fe­male ac­tivists in Tehran for In­ter­na­tional Women’s day. And so here we see an Amer­i­can flag being burnt in out­rage at west­ern in­ter­fer­ence. Per­haps the shops had al­ready sold out of EU flags?

Trans­la­tion: Look what I found on the in­ter­net.

Here comes Cap­tain Eu­rope! This dra­matic image de­picts wannabe par­lia­men­tar­ian, Grze­gorz Gruchal­ski, as the in­ter­galac­tic game-changer of Eu­ro­pean pol­i­tics. Dear Mr. Gruchal­ski, no of­fence, but did you pho­to­shop it your­self? You be­long to the selfie gen­er­a­tion that likes to tag me, my­self and I in every pic­ture on every so­cial net­work. But so do we and you can't fool us.

Women in Eu­rope earn 16% less than men. Last year 87% of the Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­ment voted for equal pay. Not UKIP. The party stirs up shit storm after shit storm. For­mer UKIP MEP God­frey Bloom called a group of fe­male ac­tivists “sluts” and said that women are sluts if they don’t clean be­hind the fridge. But chau­vin­ist politi­cians are not just a na­tive UK species. In France, misog­y­nists make chicken noises in par­lia­ment. In Ger­many, they dream of jour­nal­ists in dirndls.

Since the hey­days of the 19th cen­tury In­dus­trial Rev­o­lu­tion, global tem­per­a­tures have risen by al­most one de­gree cel­sius. But whilst in­dus­tri­alised coun­tries have reaped the eco­nomic ben­e­fits of burn­ing fos­sil fuels, it’s the poor, less-de­vel­oped coun­tries who will suf­fer the con­se­quences- droughts, mon­soons, cy­clones etc. But EU lead­er­ship on the issue is threat­ened by the an­tic­i­pated in­flux of right-wing cli­mate change scep­tics in the May elec­tions. An up­hill strug­gle is about to get even harder.

And fi­nally, lets take a mo­ment to con­tem­plate the beauty of the Old Con­ti­nent. Isn't it nice?